JPJ Engineering, Inc.

JPJ Engineering, Inc.



About Us

JPJ Engineering is a professional consulting firm providing Municipal Engineering, Site Development, Land Surveying, 3D Laser Scanning and Economic Development services to public and private clients throughout the upper Midwest.

At JPJ Engineering, we approach all projects, large and small, with safety, thoroughness and attention to detail. We are able to use design software to evaluate multiple alternatives to ensure the best design possible in the shortest amount of time. Our broad experience in a wide variety of project types provides clients with a valuable asset during all phases of a project. We are resourceful leaders and we deliver successful projects. JPJ Engineering's commitment to strategic teaming is about adding value for our clients.

Because reputation, trust and credibility means everything in this industry. This is what drives us and makes us believe in our work.


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Rep/Contact Info

Jennifer Tarnowski
Marketing & Business Development Specialist